samoyed nikolaevsk Mii Amyela bred by Louise and Brian Harris in New Zealand

samoyed Nikolaevsk Mii Amyela bred in Christchurch New Zealand


Roybridge Diamond Crusader

at Nikolaevsk (Imp. UK)






NZ Samoyed of the Year 2006/2007 & 2008/2009 & 2009/2010

S.I. & NZ Stud Dog of the Year

Dominion Samoyed Club Pointscore


Samoyed of the Year 2010

Representative of the Year 2010

Sire of the Year 2010

Auckland Provincial Samoyed Assn. Pointscore


110 cc's

153 Group and In Show Awards


Dogzonline Pointscore 2010

No.1 Samoyed NZ (all breeds competition)

No. 2 South Island Utility Group

No. 8 NZ Utility Group



2010 Supreme Show Dog Contest finalist


                                                                                               Reg. No. AF04339902                Date of Birth  13th Sept. 2005

Bred by Bridget Enticott & Donna Fleming

                                                                                                                                                                                   Eng. Ch. Lucky Dexter of Zamoyski

                                                                                                                                  Eng. Ch. Zamoyski Lucky Scot for Sarbesha

                                                                                                                                                                                   Eng. Ch. Zamoyski Lucky Jessica

                                                                           NZ Ch. Roybridge Diamond Crusader at Nikolaevsk (Imp. UK)

                                                                                                                                                                                   Eng. Ch. Zamoyski Lucky Casanova at Roybridge

                                                                                                                                 Eng. Ch. Roybridge Solitaire JW ShCM

                                                                                                                                                                                   Astutus Abracadabra at Roybridge



Sire of:-

BIS NZ Gr. Ch. Lealsam Hugo Boss

NZ Ch. Nikolaevsk Reuben Jane

NZ Ch. Lealsam Diamond Oceans

Rus. Ch. Lealsam High Flying Kiwi at Belyi Volk

NZ Ch. Lealsam Kiwi Fall

NZ Ch. Zaminka Diamonds Forever

Aust. Ch. Airebis Moonlit Diamond Night

NZ Ch. Nikolaevsk Reuben Sonata

NZ Ch. Zaminka Diamonds Forever

NZ Ch. Skrownek Tchai Vikentij 

NZ Ch. Skrownek Tchai Vennadij

NZ Ch. Zhakita Finn The Highlander

Itl. Jr. Ch. Airebis Diamond In A Velvet Sky


Click here for photos of Reubens progeny.

December 2010

Reubens first championship show.

1st Baby Puppy Dog, Reserve Best Dog, Baby Puppy of Breed

Baby Puppy of Group

Baby Puppy in Show

Judges Mrs. Yvonne Smith and Mr. John Stanton

and at Southern Ladies KA 29th January




Oamaru Kennel Assn Championship Show. 11th March 2006

Judge Mrs. Julie Gotch (Aust.)

1st Baby Puppy Dog

Reserve Best Dog

Best Baby Puppy of Breed

Reserve Best of Breed

Best Baby Puppy of Group



3rd in the All Breeds Puppy Sweepstakes

Judge:- Margaret Spivey (NZ)


@ 11 months



Oamaru Kennel Assn

Judge Margaret Spivey (NZ)

Best Junior of Group



South Island Non Sporting & Utility Dog Assn. Championship Show

Sunday 18th November 2007

Judge Brenda Banbury (UK)

Best Intermediate in Show.


Ellesmere A & P Assn. All Breeds Championship Show.

Saturday 9th May 2009

Judge Mrs. C.J. Roberts (Aust.)

Best in Show



Dominion Samoyed Club Championship Show

13th November 2010

Judge:- Nikki Riggesbee (USA)






15/03/08  Buller KA                             Mrs. G. Gulbransen (NZ)      Best Intermediate of Group

      "            "                                          "                    "                             Best of Group                              

16/03/08  Buller KA                             Mrs. M. Boyd (NZ)                 Best Intermediate of Group      

05/04/08  Geraldine KA                     Mrs. P. McLeod (Aust)           Best Intermediate of Group

06/04/08  Geraldine KA                     Mrs. D. Norman (Aust)            Best Intermediate of Group

      "                "                                       "               "                                  Reserve Best of Group              

17/05/08  Marlborough KA                Mrs. E. Maitland (Aust)         Reserve Best of Group

      "                  "                                    "                "                                   Best Intermediate of Group     

30/08/08  Forrester Park                      Mrs. R. Williams (NZ)             Res. Best of Group

       31/08/08  Forrester Park                     Mrs. S. Burnside (NZ)        Best Intermediate of Group

      "               "                                       "                "                                  Best of Group

      "               "                                       "                "                                 Best Intermediate In Show         

12/10/08  South Canterbury KA        Mrs. E. Blake-Watts (NZ)       Best Open of Group                  

07/12/08  Canty Junior KA                Mr. J. Elston (Aust)                 Best Open of Group                   

24/01/09  Nelson District KA              Miss. K. Martin (NZ)                Best Open of Group

       "            "            "                            "            "                                  Res. Best of Group                       

25/01/09  Nelson District KA              Ms. E. Brown (Aust.)              Best Open of Group

      "             "             "                         "             "                                  Res. Best of Group                       

07/03/09  Oamaru KA                        Mrs. J. Egan (Aust.)              Best Open of Group

      "              "                                         "             "                                  Best of Group                              

15/03/09  Buller KA                              Mrs. L. Buckley (Aust)           Best Open of Group                    

21/03/09  Selwyn KS                            Mrs. J. Smith (Aust)              Best Open of Group

      "              "                                        "            "                                  Res. Best of Group                        

28/03/09  Geraldine KA                     Mrs. M. Rose (Aust)              Best Open of Group

      "                "                                      "           "                                   Res. Best of Group

29/03/09  Geraldine KA                     Mrs. P. Douglas (NZ)            Best Open of Group   

19/04/09  Nelson Ladies KA              Mrs. J. Kerrin (Aust.)            Best Open of Group     

09/05/09  Ellesmere A&P                  Mrs. CJ. Roberts (Aust)        Best Open of Group

      "                "                                      "                "                              Best of Group

      "                "                                      "                "                               Best Open In show

      "                "                                      "                "                               Best In Show                                  

 11/07/09  Otago KA                           Mrs. D. Clark (NZ)                 Res. Best of Group

      "               "                                       "             "                                  Best Open of Group                     

06/09/09  MacKenzie Highland        Mrs. H. Pedersen (Aust)        Res. Best of Group

      "                "                                      "             "                                   Best open of Group                  

14/11/09  Dominion Samoyed          Mrs. S. Sharpe (Aust)            Best Open In Show

       "                "                "                   "              "                                 Res. Best In Show                    

28/11/09  Southern Ladies KA           Mrs. C. Ryan (Aust)              Res. Best of Group

      "                "            "                        "            "                                   Best Open of Group

29/11/09  Southern Ladies KA           Mrs. J. Croad (Aust)             Best Open of Group             

12/12/09  Canty YKC Benefit am      Miss. K. McIntyre (NZ)         Res. Best of Group 

12/12/09  Canty YKC Benefit pm      Mr. C. Graham (NZ)               Best Open of Group

      "             "           "     "                      "             "                                   Best of Group                   

02/01/10  Nth Canty Benefit             Mr. R. Ness (NZ)                     Best Open of Group

      "            "        "         "                     "         "                                      Best of Group                    

23/01/10  Banks Pen. A&P                 Mrs. W. Slatyer (Aust)          Best Open of Group

      "             "                "                      "               "                                 Best of Group                     

24/01/10  Banks Pen. A&P                 Mrs. S. Patterson (Aust)       Best open of Group

      "             "                                         "                "                               Best of Group

      "             "                                       Mrs. W. Slatyer (Aust)             Res. Best In Show              

30/01/10  Nelson KA                           Mrs. A. Hutchison (UK)        Best Open of Group

       "              "                                       "                "                               Best of Group                   

13/02/10  Gore & District                    Mrs. C. Roberts (Aust)        Best Open of Group

       "            "                                         "               "                               Best of Group

       "            "                                        Mr. T. Syme (Aust.)                 Best Open In Show

       "            "                                         "           "                                    Reserve Best In Show

14/02/10  Gore & District                     Mr. T. Syme (Aust)              Best Open of Group

       "            "                                          "           "                                   Best of Group

       "            "                                        Mrs. C. Roberts (Aust.)           Best Open In Show          

20/03/10  Buller KA                               Ms. E. Brown (Aust)            Best Open of Group

       "             "                                          "            "                                   Res. Best of Group           

 05/04/10  MacKenzie County            Mr. N. Svaljek (Aust)           Best Open of Group

      "                "                "                     "            "                                  Best of Group

10/04/10  Geraldine County              Mrs. M. Markotany (Aust)   Best Open of Group

      "               "                "                      "                 "                            Res. Best of Group

11/04/10  Geraldine County               Mrs. D. Jovanovic (Aust)    Best Open of Group     

17/04/10  Nelson Ladies KA                Mr. P. Jermey (Aust.)          Best Open of Group

      "              "          "                              "            "                                Res. Best of Group          

02/05/10  South Otago KA                  Mrs. S. Mashford (Aust)      Best of Group

       "            "          "                               "                 "                           Best Open of Group      

08/08/10  Canterbury KA                   Mr. B. Tolley (NZ)                Best Open of Group  

12/09/10  Plains KA                               Mr. D. Strachan (Aust)        Best Open of  Group

23/10/10  Waimakariri KA                 Mrs. L. Chalmers (NZ)         Best Open of Group

       "                 "                                       "              "                                Best of Group                

24/10/10  Waimakariri KA                    Mrs. M. Merchant (Aust)     Best Open of Group

       "                 "                                              "                "                         Res. Best of Group                

30/10/10  West Coast KA                    Ms. D. Duffin (Aust)              Best Open of Group

       "                 "                                            "                "                         Best of Group    

13/11/10  Dominion Samoyed Club   Ms. N. Riggesbee (USA)      Best Open In Show

       "                  "                "                         "                "                        Best In Show            

19/03/11  Buller KA                               Mr. A. Bradshaw (NZ)         Best Open of Group